Could you help to develop the Primary Care (GP) education that medical students receive

If  you are interested please contact Dr Laura Ingle with a few sentences about why you would like to get involved and what you could bring to the group. The deadline for responses is Friday 23rd August.

 Setting up a new Experts by Experience group for undergraduate Primary Care (GP) education 

 Are you, or have you been in the last 2 years, a regular user of NHS health services?

  • Are you, or have you been in the last 2 years, a carer of someone who has regularly used NHS health services?

We are establishing a new group for Patient and Public Involvement in Primary Care (GP) Undergraduate Teaching at Oxford University. The aim of this group is to embed patient and community perspectives into the strategy, organisation and delivery of Primary Care medical education to ensure our work is socially accountable.

The new group will review aspects of the Primary Care courses and, through partnership with a representative of the teaching team, feed back comments and suggestions to the Undergraduate Teaching Group (educators who coordinate and deliver Primary Care teaching).

We are keen to work with people who have lived experience of using NHS services and are able to use this experience to inform discussions about primary care medical education. We are looking for group members who are willing to contribute to group discussions, listen to, and respect the views of others to support the aims of the group.

This role will involve you meeting 3 times a year for 3 hours in the Primary Care Department in central Oxford. These termly meetings will take place on a Tuesday. The first group meeting will take place in autumn 2024. There will also be up to 3 hours preparation (reading and reviewing) before each meeting. This is an ongoing project. Membership of the group will be 2 years in the first instance.

 We are looking to recruit Experts by Experience from a range of backgrounds including under-represented groups. Preference will be given to people living in Oxfordshire, to encourage a local perspective, and help with ability to travel to in-person meetings.

We will pay you for your time, both for the in-person meetings and the preparatory work. The rates are currently £25/hour. We will reimburse travel expenses that you have to help us with this work, with public transport being preferred.

If you are interested in this role, please email Dr Laura Ingle, Please explain in a few sentences why you are interested in this role and what you think you can bring to the new Experts By Experience group. Please also outline any work you have done that you feel may be relevant to this role, such as previous PPI roles (however, previous experience is not a requirement).

If there are more applicants than places, we will invite based on the details above.

Deadline: Friday 23rd August 2024, and we aim to contact all applicants within 2 weeks after that.


Published on 13 August 2024